Saturday, July 6, 2013

Who I am guessing may be illegal or unidentified legal immigrants

     I of course am guessing who I think may be an illegal or legal immigrant that are unidentified. I know it is hard to guess where anyone comes from in a country like America that is a melting pot of different races and cultures but there are clues.Dental work is a huge indication if someone is probably from another country.America has some of the best dental work done here and you can a tell where the person is from or have at least lived at for a period by the type of dental work their dentist did because specific types of dental work are used in certain parts of the world,it is not all the same and most dental work done outside of America is inferior to ours.

You can also get clues by the type of clothing people are wearing,surgical scars,lack of basic medical treatments. Hygiene of women is another indicator if they do not shave the hair off of their bodies and the rest of their hygiene is good it is usually a safe bet they are not from here too. Clothing tags tells where the clothes were made and sold too.

    If a body is found of a Hispanic person in one of the border areas I will include them too. The types of things people carry with them is an indicator also.A lot of the illegal immigrants that cross from Mexico carry pictures of saints and other religious items.Tattoos are a good indicator also and if a person is carrying a wallet with no ID or things that do not have their picture you can use that to help make a guess. There are all kinds of things that can help me guess and I am sure I will add Americans by making the wrong guess but I would rather over guess than under guess.

 Another thing that can be an indicator of someone not being from America is if they are found out in the shipping lanes of our oceans or places where the tides could bring them in close to our beaches and then if they have clothes on you look at those and you also see if they are wrapped in things that come from ships and consider other things to make the guess about them.

 I have ran across cases where people of Asian decent have killed themselves and you could tell that the women have had children and they were perfectly groomed and well nourished and even wearing decent clothing and jewelry but no one has claimed them and I finally came to my conclusion that a couple of these suicides found in New York were probably illegal immigrants and people were afraid to claim their bodies because of fear of being deported themselves.Those women had to be missed by someone if they were in that good of physical shape with the other clues and I also know that Asians are family oriented and usually keep in close contact with their families.Of course I am just guessing but I will find those cases and add them here too.

I just want to make it clear that just because someone is from a different race and has no ID on them and are not claimed I do not assume they are illegal or a legal immigrant I use the clues that are given about them and consider it all.I am not racial profiling the unclaimed is what I am trying to say.I will keep adding cases as i find them.There are not too many sites that deal with this group of unclaimed people specifically.I also have personal reasons for this too.

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