Friday, June 14, 2019

1981-Hispanic/White Woman- Ventura,California

     She appears to be very young in the rendition so that must be how she appeared to the artist also. I hate posting Hispanic without knowledge of them really being from another country. But, I think she possibly is. Hope someone finally recognizes the young girl.                                                                            

Hispanic Male-2015

     I think it is very sad when people who are elderly become homeless. All signs point to him as being. And nowadays it is a triple whammy if the person happens to be Hispanic, Homeless, and illegal. I am not saying he is illegal because we have absolutely no way of knowing if he is. I am just speaking in general. Because of all the American racism being directed towards Hispanics. They do not have his age as being that old but I think he is at least at the higher end.                                                                       

1986 Kansas - Unidentified White Female ** photo of deceased **

   I am adding her because she was wearing a French Bra and Panties and her clothing was expensive and could only be bought in big cities such as New York, Paris,and Milan etc... One thing that stuck out to me was she was not wearing any jewlery. And she had her hair carefully styled and frosted and the clothes being so expensive a woman such as her would have been wearing Jewelry. So, I believe she was also robbed. And because of this I think she could have possibly been a working girl. If she had been married it also seems like there would have been an indentation and dis-colorization of the ring finger. So, that is another reason I am thinking possibly a working girl. I rarely post something like this without a lot of proof a woman was one and it has to also play a big part into identifying her. But, I am going to break my own rules about this because I think this should at least be considered.