The Cocaine Wars of South Fla. and an unidentified murdered Hispanic male Florida 1984

This man was found in a field murdered in 1984 Broward Co. Fla.,he had been shot,had a handkerchief stuffed down his throat then  had duct tape wrapped completely around his head and set on fire. Only a day before another body was found 70 yards away from him of Tammy Gayle Crider who was probably killed by a member of the Outlaw Motor cycle gang that died before he could be tried for this and other numerous offenses.

      Some think they are connected,however I believe this is not necessarily true,you may think that the odds of two people ending up murdered and dumped so close to together are in favor of this and I agree that is almost always the case.But we have to also consider the fact that in Southern Florida at this time had the highest murder rate in the country,it was during this time that they were experiencing The Cocaine Wars being fought by the Cocaine Cowboys as they were called.It was so bad that the president almost declared  a state of emergency there and was going to order the military down there to get the murders stopped.So it is just as possible they were not connected as were connected.

     One of our countries well known secrets is that the now richest city if Fla. and possibly the US was made that way from Cocaine Blood Money,Miami and all South Fla. was.Not only was Cocaine coming in by the boatloads,  but so were Cuban and Haitian refugees.Fidel actually emptied the mental health facilities and prisons of Cuba and sent them here.Not all were unwanted criminals and crazies they were also the poorest of the poor and political prisoners of Cuba.We built refugee camps for them and locked them up and they were manned by our security forces. It was off the hook there in the late 70's and 80's.Then we had the Colombians entering and living their also,they were some of the First Cocaine Cowboys. So,you can understand why there are so many unidentified people there during this time.

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